Friends of Denver School
Friends of Denver School
The Friends of Denver School is a parent-led group that raises funds for the School. Because you have a child attending Denver Primary School, you automatically become a member of the Friends!
The Commitee
We are a small group of parents and staff made up of:
Chair - Amanda Dawson
Vice Chair - Sarah Pettit
Treasurer - Julia Covell
Shadow Treasurer - Naomi Peach
Secretary - Position Vacant
This year, we are hoping to be able to hold more of our normal fundraising events, as well as a few new ones, and we need your support to do this. Your support will help us to organise fundraising activities and enrichment opportunities for our children so that they can enjoy extra learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. That support can come in many different forms:
• Attending meetings and sharing ideas
- Pantomimes and puppet shows
- Playground equipment
- Interactive whiteboard
- Music stands
- Travel costs for school trips
- Theatre groups visiting the school
- Theatre trips
- History and language days
- Father Christmas' helper and his gifts
- Mini beast days
- Reading schemes
- Classroom resources
- Ties and Prefect badges for Year 6
- Book bags and PE bags for reception children
- Facilitating the change over to book bags for all children
Look out for emails detailing upcoming Friends' meetings.