Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Strategy
At Denver VC Primary we believe that all children have the right to an excellent education underpinned by quality first teaching with high expectations. We aim to ensure that all of our children aim high and are given the chance to reach their full potential.
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding provided by the Department for Education to enhance the education of social-economically disadvantaged pupils, raising attainment and closing the gap between them and their peers. The grant is allocated to schools based on the number of children entitled, or previously entitled, to free school meals (FSM), children who are looked after (LAC) and service family children.
Schools are free to decide on how best to allocate the funds for programmes to support its disadvantaged pupils.
In 2022/23, the percentage of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium is 19% currently (19 eligible pupils).
The school’s Pupil Premium Grant for 2022/2023 is £17,860.
The Pupil Premium provision is planned in an integrated and targeted manner to ensure that those pupils entitled to the Pupil Premium receive additional support to address the identified barriers.
This money is being used to provide appropriate intervention groups, booster classes, nurture groups and in-class support where necessary. This strategy has been found to be successful for us historically and will be reviewed in October 2023.
Analysis of pupil progress, attainment and wellbeing is used to determine the impact of the support we give.
Even with good quality first teaching, which we aim to deliver, we recognise that individual pupils have different barriers to learning - these include SEND, learning difficulties, communication difficulties, confidence and resilience, and social and emotional wellbeing. At Denver VC Primary we identify what those barriers are for each child and put in strategies to address and overcome these. If necessary, a support plan is prepared which is shared with the parent/carer which identifies the support given in school and what the parent may do at home to support the child.
Progress is tracked using the school tracking system and support plans are reviewed and adjusted accordingly.
We believe that the impact of the support provided for eligible pupils is good.